Updated Jaguar and Leopard

Posted February 14th, 2011 by Trendfinder and filed in Articles / Announcements

The code for Jaguar, Jaguar Alt, Leopard and Leopard Alt has been updated.  An improvement has been made to each system to better handle low-volatility choppy markets (like early January this year and pre-2006) while continuing to take the same trades it always has during average and high-volatility periods.  Leopard and Leopard Alt also had an additional modification to increase the number of trades and profit.  The updated code went into effect starting today (February 14).  To see results of both the original code and the updated versions, you can go to the website page for each system and you will find links to performance reports for both versions.  For your convenience, I have posted the links below (the reports must be opened in Internet Explorer):

Jaguar (original)     Jaguar (updated)

Jaguar Alt (original)     Jaguar Alt (updated)

Leopard (original)     Leopard (updated)

Leopard Alt (original)     Leopard Alt (updated)

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