Monthly Results – April 2021
Two intraday systems traded this month for a loss. Three swing systems traded and had a profitable month.

Monthly Results – February 2021
The day trading systems had a profit. With the exception of FedSwingWF RTY (Russell 2000) the swing systems had losses.

Monthly Results – December 2020
The stock market went relatively sideways with declining volatility this month. With this consolidation and reducing volatility, trading was light for these systems.

Monthly Results – November 2020
It was a profitable month for the intraday and the swing systems. They weren’t very active, but they still provided nice profits.

Monthly Results for October 2020
It was a pretty volatile month with lots of uncertainty around the upcoming elections, stimulus package, and Covid-19. It was a losing month overall for these systems.

Monthly Results – September 2020
Mixed bag this month. The day trading systems performed very well, and the swing systems overall had a loss.
Volatile markets appear to be continuing with the elections near, stimulus deadlock, and coronavirus concerns.

Monthly Results – August 2020
There were several swing trades this month, and all but one had a profit. One intraday system had trades at the beginning of the month.
With the low volatility in the stock market this month, the intraday systems were primarily in hibernation mode. When volatility returns, these systems will wake up.