Monthly Results – November 2011

Posted November 30th, 2011 by Trendfinder and filed in Results - Monthly

Eight intraday systems had a gain for the month and four had a loss.  There were one swing trade this month.  All portfolios except one are positive year-to-date and for the past 12 months – this is quite a recovery after the poor first half of the year.

Monthly Hypothetical Results – 1 contract per trade
(commission and slippage included, see Info/Disclaimers in top menu)
Month Year Past
System # Trades Net Profit to-date 12 months
Bobcat I 7  $    (310)  $  (1,410)  $    (360)
Bobcat II 4  $      300  $      870  $   1,480
Cougar 7  $    (450)  $   4,670  $   6,580
Cougar Alt 8  $    (680)  $   1,300  $   1,480
Jaguar 14  $      230  $  (4,540)  $      (20)
Jaguar Alt 15  $       80  $  (3,210)  $   1,050
Leopard 9  $       10  $   1,340  $   4,920
Leopard Alt 7  $      830  $    (910)  $   4,450
Lion 12  $      200  $   4,900  $   8,820
Lion II 5  $      960  $   5,150  $   7,410
Lion II Alt 6  $      960  $   5,890  $   8,450
Tiger 10  $    (660)  $   9,500  $ 11,320
MeanSwing II EMD 1  $   3,930  $   8,590  $   9,300
MeanSwing II ES  –  $  (3,211)  $  (3,155)
MeanSwing II NQ  –  $  (1,750)  $  (1,615)
MeanSwing II RL  –  $   1,155  $   1,160
MeanSwing II YM  –  $   5,175  $   5,310
Month Year Past
Portfolio # Trades Net Profit to-date 12 months
Index Trader I 15  $       80  $  (6,421)  $  (2,105)
Index Trader II 21  $   1,040  $      625  $   7,505
Index Trader III 31  $   4,980  $ 10,555  $ 21,725
Index Trader IV 39  $   4,300  $ 17,030  $ 28,515
Index Trader V 49  $   3,640  $ 24,780  $ 38,220
Wildcat I 19  $   1,190  $      610  $   7,390
Wildcat II 26  $      740  $   5,280  $ 13,970
Wildcat III 30  $   1,040  $   6,150  $ 15,450
Wildcat IV 40  $      380  $ 15,650  $ 26,770
Wildcat V 49  $      390  $ 16,990  $ 31,690
Note:   for the “Past 12 months” results, if the system has been updated
then the updated code is used for all 12 months.
For   more information about these systems, please go to

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